Network Global Logistics provides vessel chartering services to many corporate companies in Turkey and all over the world with over 2000 ships follow-up. It also provides part cargo transportation opportunity to offer lower cost to customer sby bringing right time and right load together as well as complete vessel chartering service.
It collaborates with all distinguished ship owners around the world and brings customers and true ship owning companies together for loads to transport due to carrying 1.000 tons-60.000 tons loads in safest and cheapest way.
Network Global Logistics makes service it provided advantageous by doing annual agreements with ship owners those provides regular service with ship with big winch, ro-ro ship or roll trailer and flatrack units usually preferred for project transportations depending on properties of load to carry as well as ship renting and part cargo services.
Transportations to be carried out by Bulk cargo:
Products to be carried by ro-ro transportation: